Thursday, December 19, 2013
December 15, 2013
Well what an adventure this week has been! I am pretty much over my sickness so that is real good. On Tuesday, we did lots of service, as always. We love to do service though. Most, if not all, of the service we do is yard work and mostly it is mowing lawns. We have 4-5 lawns that we mow on a weekly basis, including our own. It is fun, and we always sleep really well on Tuesday night! Well this week has been pretty normal though, nothing too crazy. Well one crazy thing did happen.....On Friday, we were biking to a teaching appointment with our investigator, Michael. He actually lives only a couple houses down from us. So we were biking from one appointment to the next and I decided I would go up on the footpath to ride my bike. Unfortunately the driveway/curb that I decided to use to get to the footpath was a bit bigger than the other ones. I didn't take it perpendicular enough to the curb and both my front and back tires caught and my momentum carried me off the bike. I flew off the bike and landed on the ground and slid on my hands and knees for a couple feet. I hopped up and assessed the damage. When I got up, I immediately looked at my left hand, grabbed a rock or something that was stuck in it, and ripped it out. It was weird because I didn't even think like "Oh there's a rock" and start freaking out, I just ripped it straight out and dropped it on the ground. So that was cool. But I ripped a nice big hole in my slacks and got a big graze on my knee. Ripped a hole in my shirt on the arm and on the chest from sliding on the ground and got a wound on my elbow. And both hands have some pretty good injuries on them. But other than that, I am ok! No head injuries or broken bones. My left shoulder is a little sore because it took the most of the energy from the impact but still it is pretty much 100%. I made sure to use plenty of Neosporin on all these wounds so they will heal faster and not get infected! I had to buy some more bandaids though, the ones I had weren't big enough. I will show you a picture of my torn up and bloody clothes! But I am all good, so don't worry! That was pretty much the most crazy thing that happened. Something that was really awesome that happened was that we went to give a white shirt, a tie, and a Christmas card to a recent convert and his mother. He mentioned that his shoulder was bothering him still. It had been sore for about a week already and wasn't getting better so we offered to give him a blessing. He said sure and so we went in and gave him a blessing. We shook hands and took off. About 2 hours later he sent us a text message saying that the pain in his shoulder was gone! That was really great! Especially because I wasn't having a great morning but that really made the whole rest of the day great! Well except that was on Friday, the day I crashed. But this new convert, Laurie, passed the Sacrament on Sunday and his mom, an investigator, was there and really proud of him. It is great seeing new converts continue to grow in the Gospel. He also got called as a ward missionary! That was really cool! So he is doing great. We have another investigator that is really dear to us. His name is Michael. He is 29 years old and is from the Philippines. Even when we met him was a miracle because it was like 8:30 at night, right before we were going to go home. Anyway we have been meeting with him and have been having some really good times. He doesn't have too many friends so he really enjoys our company. He is a pretty strong Catholic but has a brother that is a convert and has been sealed in the Temple. He helped his brother make these steps so we are hoping he will follow the example of his brother. We had an awesome lesson with him on friday, after my bike crash, with the Bishop. Bishop really likes him and we can all see him being a wonderful Priesthood holder! He things he may someday want to become a Priest or a Brother. We shared with him that he could become a Priest, with the true restored Priesthood authority, sooner than he really thought. He was pretty interested. He is still somewhat reserved or perhaps scared to leave his faith though. We went with him to a showing of the Christmas Devotional from the First Presidency last night and he really enjoyed it! We hope he just keeps doing the little things and that he will continue to feel the Spirit and work his way toward conversion! Well that is pretty much all of the exciting things that have happened this week. Pretty eventful I guess. I hope all is going well for you guys! 
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